Adding a Spectacular Sheen to your Timber Floor
Nothing can compare with the sheer glimmer of a newly sanded and polished timber floor surface. When properly done, the glittering sparkle of light can play tricks to colours and shades and you can even manage to view the reflected images of surrounding foliage and people. For home owners and visitors alike a gleaming timber floor is something to be admired and talked about. Whether you have restored an old or installed a new timber floor, sanding and polishing is the right way to finish it all off.
But be very careful
A floor surface is not something that can be taken lightly. It is an important part of your house that everyone can view upon entering so it must be looking its full best at all times. Before you carry out sanding and polishing work, we at Smarter Flooring will caution you to ascertain whether or not your floor is ready for sanding and polishing. The movement of the sanding and polishing machines must not be hindered by the presence of movements in the floor planks; the joints should be perfectly matched with no protrusions and irregularities to the plank edges; there must be no cupping in the boards and definitely no gapping at the edge part of the boards. You also need to make sure that moisture is totally absent from the floor surface.
Types of finishes
- Solvent Based Polyurethane (gloss,satin,matt)
- Water Based Polyurethane (non toxic) gloss,satin,matt
- Tung Oils
- Modified Oils
- Penetrating Timber Oils
Filling in the irregular surface
It is critical that you inspect your floor very carefully and remove or fill in any irregularities occurring on its surface. They may seem trivial at a glance but they can impact on the life of your floor especially when an inadvertent spill occurs in a dent or any other exposed cavity in the surface area. You must perform all the tasks needed to make the surface of your floor secure and safe for sanding and polishing. You may need to drive nails into the planks or fill nail holes and clean protect cavities in the planks. Sanding and coating are not simple jobs. There should be at least three sanding processes and the same number of coats along with sanding and cleaning between each coating.
The all-important coating
Coating the timber with a coating of polish in between sanding and cleaning is also a critical function to perform. This involves the application of a number of curing agents such as moisture curing polyurethane, two-pack polyurethane, water-based polyurethane and the addition of oleo-resinous oils. These are critical materials to use for giving you timber floor that special surface sheen. If you want us to treat your timber floor, it is simple enough to do.
Contact us
Just call us on email and Smarter Flooring will give a shine to your floor in quick time.