Most of us know that epoxy flooring is tough and durable, as it is able to stand against long hours of wear and tear, plus its resistance towards extreme weather and chemicals. Hence, most people will choose epoxy flooring for their garage in the domestic setting while others will choose epoxy flooring for industries floor in the commercial setting. However, few noticed that if epoxy is not applied correctly, its effect will be more adverse than a total absent of it.


Epoxy flooring is usually done by applying layers of resin and hardener in staggered manner. Hence, when the following layer is applied too soon, before the previous layer is dried thoroughly, effects of epoxy may not be exercised at its fullest. Similarly, concrete floor is more susceptible to humidity, hence, there is a need to ensure that the floor to be applied with epoxy is dry and clean, or there will be bad bonding between the two, hindering the maximum capacity of epoxy.


Sometimes, other factors concerning the concrete floor itself, may also affect the conditions of epoxy. For example, even though epoxy is able to withstand hot weather, concrete under prolong direct sunlight may expand, creating air bubbles on the epoxy itself, destroying the intended durability of epoxy and also affect the overall beauty of the final product.


On the other hand, cold weather may also exert inconvenience to some extent. Low temperature slows down the drying process of epoxy, which means that the project may take longer than usual to complete. There also runs a risk with regard to the viscosity of epoxy in winter, as it does not flow easily when temperature drops. Thus, extra care is needed during application to ensure that each level is evenly spread.


Other times, underground or embedded moisture may seep through the concrete floor, penetrating the barrier between concrete and epoxy, resulting in blistering of the epoxy floor. Therefore, besides moisture and weather control, there is also a need to ensure that no crack, dirt, or oil is submerged or found within the concrete before epoxy, as all these impurities will hinder the optimal condition for epoxy and concrete to interact.


Nevertheless, epoxy flooring is relatively durable and once applied properly, users can do away with the hassle of constant maintenance or worry about floor getting damage. Most importantly, it is always on the recommendation list to consult an expert, so that no error will be made during the project, and problem is less likely to arrive after which.